Frank Chimero

Brand & Product Designer
Brooklyn, New York
⚠️ This post is old and may no longer reflect my views.

Reshape, Reprint

The point of this blog post is to announce The Shape of Design is being reprinted and you can preorder it today.

Two years ago, I had an idea. Maybe there was a place in the world for a book that took a different approach to discussing design. The book wouldn’t be about typography, grids, or logos, but co-dependency, storytelling, and craft. How does it feel to make things for other people? And how can we do so in a meaningful, engaged way? So, I launched a Kickstarter campaign in 2011 to see if there was any interest in a book like that.

There was. The campaign was a success, and The Shape of Design shipped in the Spring of 2012. The book is now in the hands of thousands of people, and on the tablets and phones of tens of thousands more. It’s gone all over the world, from Ames, Iowa to Bangalore, India. A few months later, we sold out of printed books and I was satisfied. I thought I was done, so I put the text online for free as an ebook, and set it to the wind.

Then, things unfolded in an unexpected way (as they tend to do).

The book kept moving and the words found new places to live. Readers emailed me, explaining their take on The Shape of Design. Designers said they used it as a lens for designing. And teachers for teaching. Even chefs for cooking!

I was absolutely dumb-struck. And left with a question: What do you do if other people take your words to unexpected places?

You print more books.

I did not intend for things to go this way. There is something here, but I did not do it. If ideas go anywhere, it is because other people carry them.

This post is meant to entice you to order a book. And I hope you will! Buy a book, for yourself or as a gift.

But, I also realize many of you backed the Kickstarter campaign, own a copy, and have supported me and this book in uncountable ways. So, I want to end this letter the only proper way: with a moment of appreciation for those of you who have read those words and shared them with others. I say: thank you.